I think we all know the situation where we try to fit too much stuff in a too small bag. But who knew it would lead to some cute poses? Go over to Storin's newest satellite store at Albero and you can struggle with a bag too!
But before you start stuffin' your bag, hop on over to Nuuna's skins and get her latest cheapie. A pitch black skin with a green accent. You know you want it!
But before you start stuffin' your bag, hop on over to Nuuna's skins and get her latest cheapie. A pitch black skin with a green accent. You know you want it!
Black green skin, 10L, Nuuna's skins (use the teleporter to go up to the Skins floor)
Damn bag with 3 poses, 1L, Storin @ Albero
Thank *you* for reading this & thank you to the designers for giving out these items.
Other fabulous stuff
Hair: Sadie - Exile
Eyes: Vivid eyes - Pixel passion
Lashes: Diva lashes - Lelutka
Top: Simple cropped bustier - Whippet & buck
Skirt: Chibi denim skirt - Bare rose
Shoes: Alice Cullen flats - Cherry
With this page minimized, that skin make the poor girl look like she's been giving one of the Avatar Navi a... well it looks like he felt like sharing some of his war paint, I'll put it that way. Do people actually wear the crazy skins some of these creators come up with? Lol.
SL is a creative outlet for many. So yes, people make crazy skins & people use crazy skins. For taking pictures, for making cool looks or just walk around the grid.
But then there are others, who stick to "normal" skins. Also to take pictures with, create outfits or just hang out in the pixelated universe.
It doesn't really matter what skin you are wearing, as long as you're happy :)
Hello Tom!
I added you to out blogroll, looking forward to adding us back :D
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