Thursday, July 23, 2009

Final chance to look at my melons!

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! This post will feature the non-clothing items in the Slice of Summer hunt! They are too awesome to not show. As usual I squeezed everything in little pictures, you can click them for the bigger versions :) Happy hunting!

The SLURLs will only bring you to the store, for hints on the location of the gift you can check the official hunt website.

Sectional sofa with light, Witchy woman designs, #38
Tree Hammock, buddhabeats, #101
Shadow4two set, Perfect prefabs, #81
Bottom row of pics: Skybox rocket, S2, #15 (It's a rocket that rezzes a skybox darlings!)

Summer rain outfit & cloud, Whonose, #72
Pillows, Agent Orange, #73
Egg tart car, CLR, #105
Nostalgic furniture set, Forbidden apple, #76
Ice cream with poses, Alles klar, #87

Balloony basket, Concrete fowers, #7
Watermelon bycicle, Kittenish, #4
Slip n slide poses, Sugar mill, #29
Leaf chair, Umi Usagi, #5
Watermelon cart, Modd. G, #21

Thank *you* for reading this & thank you to the designers for giving out these items.

Other fabulous stuff that was not free
Hair: Twiggy and Ash from Truth


Emerald Wynn said...

Asth, I . . . can't . . . do . . . another . . . hunt . . . but maybe . . . thank you.

I saw this headline in my blog roll and laughed my melons off.