Saturday, January 16, 2010

My hair resembles an octopus

By now most of you already saw this skybox that Jordan Giant from Nordari sent as a subscribo gift but just in case here it is. And as you can see on the pics I also found some freebies from Nordari still on its Xstreet page.

Skybox subscribo gift, Nordari
Tree-Room Divider-Coffee Cups Xstreet Freebies, Nordari@Xstreet
Plant subscribo gift, Beloved
Wooden Cabinet with poses 1L$, JE Republic

Here is a better view of the skybox and of the dress/shirt which is in the Midnight Mania board at Hunger Design.

Dress/shirt midnight mania, Hunger Design

I hope you all have an awesome week-end!

Not Free:
Hair Truth
Boots M'z