Monday, August 17, 2009

Petit Patapon

Oh my, I sure wish someone would grant me the gift of thinking up awesome blogpost titles instead of you guys having me type whatever goes through my head at this precise moment...

On the left: Bikini lucky chair, Tuli
On the right: Dress camping chair 30 minutes, Luxurious World

I mean if I keep doing it who knows what kind of weird title I will come up with next time right? I could reveal deep unknown thoughts!

Dresses camping sewing chair 60 minutes, Inara's Fantasy

Okay so it's not like I have deep unknown thoughts either I will grant you that....

Hope skin in 5 tones group gift in store, Tuli
Eyes in all those pics subscribo gift, Beloved

Anyway I just wanted to share with you all the grueling pressure it is to come up with fun and witty blogposts titles all the time. It can tire a woman!

Furniture set 10L$ for limited time only, Morantique

So if this story has touched you, please help me fight the trauma by sending me shoes money in world!



Not free:
Poses Pretzel Poses (Apparently closed)
Shoes J's
Hair Truth


Lighting Henderson said...

Thhanks for this blog post