Hey everyone! ^^ I'm back from the ocean, the beach, the sand, and the sun so I will never leave you deprived of crazy posts such as this one again. (That's until next summer when I do it all over again.) I know I know, enough talking; more freebies! Thankfully, i've found many worthy of my postage.

Here I am in a lovely
Elemiah Design dress free for only a limited time. It comes in a bright yellow too if flourescent blue isn't your thang! My hair is from the
Eat Rice! hunt that took place last weekend, and is now for sale pretty damn cheap at the main store. They also have a free moogle av in the front entrance of the shop, which is adorable - frankly I was just tired and lazy and didn't feel like taking anymore pictures. My skin is the freebie Tuli skin that Calista posted earlier. (That I love FYI.) My cute wooden heels with the bows on the front I got from the
Baby Monkey Main Store.
This wonderous creation was a collaboration between some of my favorite designers: Rosemar from well.. Rosemar, and Mimi from Cupcakes! It can be found in the Cupcakes update group. Remember, the group now costs 250L to join, but it's well worth it. Shes already sent out about 4 gifts in the past week!
This adorable dollarbie outfit is called Juno and from Punch Drunk for a limited time only - just this weekend at all of their locations. Go check it out and get your little pixelated hands on it before its gone! Check out her other outfits too; they're so trendy!
Check out this summery little mini dress! Its a gift from Elate! that can be found in the group - just search Elate! under groups and you can strut this little gem around yourself. The skin i'm wearing is a freebie from the uber cool store SINdecade, where you can also find two free eyes and some crazy gestures.

This flawlessy detailed dress is from the subscribe-o-matic at Pixel Dolls. I love the classy quality the dress has. Once you click on the machine at the main store to join, click it again, go in to the history, and it's the most current notice.

And last but definitely not least, is another gift from Cupcakes - that adorable rhinestone tank. Remember the 250L fee to join, but also remember that its worth it for gifts like this. Merci for reading, and i'm now off to bed! By the way, we are looking for a male blogger to contribute to some men's finds to the Cupcakes blog. If you know anyone that would be willing to do it, or if a guy has stumbled across this blog and you are willing to do it, let Calista or me know inworld by iming us! If you're man enough to post on a pink blog with a cupcakers tag, then I think you have the job. :]
I think the Juno outfit is only available at the Aspire Isle location, and you have to look for the bag, not pay the sign on the wall. :)
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