Theres currently a dollarbie hunt going on at
Passionate Neko! You will be looking for really obvious boxes, and they are out in the open all over the sim. They really aren't hard to find at all, which is a nice break from the Baiastice hunt. Here are some of the finds there.

Everything in this outfit except the shirt, ears, and boots comes in one box. ^^

This lovely pirate outfit can be found on the second floor in the fountain that you tp in front of. (Notice I look like i'm playing the role of a pirate - my eyes show that i've drank all the rum.)

This Hello Kitty top is outside the store by the fountain, and the boots are in the room on the left when you first walk in the store.

And my favorite - The Sherbert Kitten, includes everything except the hair, ears, tail, and boots. Like I said before, the boots can be found on the left room when you first walk in the store. There are a few more other finds, but I will leave you to hunt for them on your own. ^^
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