Okay I love Bare Rose, it's one of my favorite stores, and I still haven't seen all there is to see, mostly due to lag and because there is just so much! But can you believe I've never been in the freebie section? Crazy right? lol Well I went today and there is a LOT of stuff for 1L or free. You really should go check it out :) here's two of my favorite things I picked up.

Bare Rose Freebies!
BareRose freewall is the place I bring many new players, love it!
It has a male and female AO as well, they aren't the best in world but they are 1L and it's a decent start for new players. Also a cool Drow skin for those that would like to RP on a budget.
/me bonks Calista on the head and points to herself on the blog's banner
LOL Laleeta i totally didnt notice!! rofl
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